Thursday 22 February 2018

History of Modern India by Bipin Chandra - Best for Civil Services

History of Modern India by Bipin Chandra : Those who are preparing for civil services should definitely go through this book twice or thrice. The book is relatively concise when compared to books on the same topic by authors. It captures the holistic view of not only struggle for independence but also the later Mughal period (post Aurangzeb), the decline of central authority, rise of regional satraps and the domination of tribes from Afaganistan.


Direct link to Purchase this Book Click Here

Table of Contents

1. The Decline of the Mughal Empire
2. Indian States and Siciety in the Eighteenth Century 
3.European Penetration and the british Conquest 
4. The Structures of Governement and the Economic Policies of the British Empire in India
5. Administrative Organisation and Social and cultural Policy
6. Social and Cultural Awakening in the first Half of the Nineteenth Century 
7. The Revolt of 1857
8. Administrative Changes after 1858
9. The Economic impact of British Rule
10. The nationalist Movement: 1858 - 1905
11. Religious and Social Reform after 1858
12. The Nationalist Movement: 1905 - 18
13. The Struggle of Swaraj

14. The Struggle for Swaraj: 1927

Direct link to Purchase this Book Click Here

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